Position |
Professor |
Research Field |
Humanities & Social Sciences / Clinical psychology |
External Link |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Doshisha University Faculty of Literature Graduated
1990.4 - 1994.3
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Letters Doctor's Course Accomplished credits for doctoral program
1996.4 - 2002.3
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters Faculty of Letters Department of Human Sciences KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters Professor
KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters Faculty of Letters Department of Human Sciences KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters Associate Professor
2010.4 - 2013.3
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
大阪国際大学 人間科学部心理コミュニケーション学科
2003.4 - 2005.3
大阪国際大学 人間科学部人間健康科学科
2005.4 - 2006.3
2007.4 - 2009.3
京都学園大学 人間文化学部
2006.4 - 2007.3
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
堀 孝司・福井 義一
心の危機と臨床の知 25 85 - 101 2024.3
Joint Work
中谷 智美・福井 義一
心の危機と臨床の知 25 67 - 83 2024.3
Joint Work
Kazuya Nakai(Matsuo)and Yoshikazu Fukui
Journal of Health Psychology Research 35 ( 1 ) 63 - 70 2023.2
Joint Work
Worldwide, many people have experienced adversity during childhood, including abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) negatively impact adulthood health. As a result, ACEs have caused enormous economic losses. However, the effects of ACEs on health have not been studied in Japanese general population. This study examined the effects of ACEs on factors leading to early death, including drinking, physical illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes and cancer, and suicide attempt. An Internet-based questionnaire survey was conducted with Japanese adults (N=988, 488 men and 500 women, Mean age, 39.12 years, age range 20 to 75 years). The results indicated that people who had experienced four or more ACE categories compared to those who had not experienced ACEs were more likely to have a history of smoking, physical illnesses, and suicide attempt. However, all effects of ACEs on drinking were not significant. These results suggest that ACEs have adverse effects on the health of Japanese people of all ages.
わが国の対人援助職のバーンアウト予防を考える ―教職と看護職,心理職の比較―
ヒューマン・ケア研究 23 ( 1 ) 13 - 14 2023
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
レジリエンスを活性化する タッピング・イン:トラウマケアの定番EMDR生まれのセルフケア
ローレル・パーネル著(福井義一監訳,今井田貴裕,今井田 真実,磯和壮太朗訳)( Role: Supervisor (editorial))
北大路書房 2023.4 ( ISBN:978-4762832161 )
心理臨床,トラウマ・ケアにおける実践:心理士によるタッピングタッチ(『〈ふれる〉で拓くケア タッピングタッチ』:第5章 臨床・専門領域におけるケアとしてのタッピングタッチ)
中川 一郎 (著, 編集)( Role: Contributor)
北大路書房 2022.10 ( ISBN:9784762832062 )
リサーチ・エビデンス(『〈ふれる〉で拓くケア タッピングタッチ』:第6章 タッピングタッチの主要理論とリサーチ・エビデンス)
中川 一郎 (著, 編集),大浦真一( Role: Contributor)
北大路書房 2022.10 ( ISBN:9784762832062 )
ゴードン・エマーソン著(福井義一監訳・ 淵野俊二・高橋政憲・重野 桂・岩瀬 恵訳( Role: Supervisor (editorial))
岩崎学術出版社 2022.1 ( ISBN:9784753311958 )
Review Papers (Misc) 【 display / non-display 】
EMDRは催眠療法の一種ですか?(特集EMDR・・・トラウマ治療の新常識 第一部 EMDR Q&A集)
こころの臨床 27 ( 2 ) 13 2008.6
Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Publisher:こころの臨床
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Would you consult psychological professionals about your own problems? Part 8: Analysis of the questions posted in the "concern about child-rearing" category on a community Q&A website
Sawada, K., & Fukui, Y.
The 14th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2024.3
Event date: 2024.3
続・その問題,心理の専門家に相談しますか? ―Yahoo!知恵袋における「ストレス」「カウンセリング・治療」「家族関係の悩み」「うつ病」「生き方・人生相談」カテゴリーの質問の分析―
澤田 戒,福井義一
IDRユーザフォーラム 2023 (一橋講堂) 2023.12
Event date: 2023.12
日本子ども虐待防止学会第29回学術集会 (びわ湖大津プリンスホテル,立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス) 2023.11
Event date: 2023.11
その問題,心理の専門家に相談しますか? その7 ―Yahoo!知恵袋における「生き方・人生相談」カテゴリーの質問の分析―
澤田 戒,福井義一
関西心理学会第134回大会 (立命館大学(大阪)) 2023.11
Event date: 2023.11
関西心理学会第134回大会 (立命館大学(大阪)) 2023.11
Event date: 2023.11
Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display 】
European Society for Trauma and Dissociation 2016 Poster Prize
2016.4 European Society for Trauma and Dissociation Effects of the experience of abuse and insecure attachment on dissociative tendencies in adolescents
Yoshikazu Fukui, Hajime Tanabe