Position |
Professor |
Research Field |
Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties, Nanotechnology/Materials / Energy chemistry, Nanotechnology/Materials / Green sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry, Nanotechnology/Materials / Analytical chemistry, Informatics / Computational science, Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry |
Homepage URL |
Mail Address |
External Link |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Dept. industrial chemistry Graduated
1979.4 - 1983.3
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Master's Course Completed
1983.4 - 1985.3
Studying abroad experiences 【 display / non-display 】
アイオワ州立大学/エネルギー省エームズ研究所 訪問研究員
オークリッジ国立研究所 訪問研究員
オックスフォード大学材料工学科 訪問研究員
ウルム大学化学科 訪問研究員
カリフォリニア大学サンタクルーズ校 訪問研究員
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
KONAN UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural Science (Masters Degree Program) Graduate School of Natural Science 研究科長
2021.4 - 2023.3
KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Chemistry of Functional Molecules Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
1999.2 - 2009.3
1996.5 - 1999.1
1985.4 - 1996.4
Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry
1999.2 - 2009.3
1985.4 - 1999.1
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
First-principles calculation of the physical properties of electrochemical devices
Project Year: 2020.4 - 2030.3
Theoretical calculation of electrical double layer at semiconductor | metal interface
Project Year: 2020.4 - 2026.3
The precise measurement of pH of the aqueous solution with ionic liquid salt bridge
Project Year: 2020.4 - 2026.3
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Migration Effects Cause Linear Waveform in Cyclic Voltammetry of Metal Anode Electrodeposition/Dissolution without Supporting Electrolyte: Calculations and Experiments on a Model Case Reviewed
Electrochemistry 2024.10
Yuko YOKOYAMA, Takaaki NAGAI, Akimitsu ISHIHARA, Masahiro YAMAMOTO, Kohei MIYAZAKI, Takeshi ABE, Kenji KANO
Electrochemistry 90 ( 10 ) 103003 - 103003 2022.9
Publisher:The Electrochemical Society of Japan
Rotating disk voltammograms of electrocatalytic reactions were
often analyzed on a model of the totally irreversible reaction. The
problem with the conventional method is pointed out, and the
validity of an analysis method on a model of the electrocatalytic
reaction is demonstrated for oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) as an
example. Rotating disk voltammograms of ORRs sometimes show
gradual change in the limiting current region called residual slope.
The phenomenon has been explained on a random distribution
model in which the catalytic sites communicate in long-range
electron transfer with the electronic conductors that locate at
distances (z), and are uniformly distributed with respect to z.
Observed data of an ORR were well reproduced by non-linear least
squares analysis on the random distribution model. The result of the
analysis is briefly discussed. -
Reciprocal Sum Expression for Steady-state Kinetics —Enzyme Reactions and Voltammetry— Reviewed
Yuko YOKOYAMA, Masahiro YAMAMOTO, Kohei MIYAZAKI, Takeshi ABE, Kenji KANO
Electrochemistry 90 ( 10 ) 103002 - 103002 2022.7
Publisher:The Electrochemical Society of Japan
Steady-state experiments are often conducted to understand
complicated cases in chemistry, since the kinetics does not have a
time valuable and allows simple modeling of the reactions. The
reciprocal of the overall rate of sequential steady-state reactions
is often given in the reciprocal sum formula: sum of the
reciprocals of the rates of the hypothetical rate-limiting processes
at the individual stages. In this paper, the reciprocal sum
relationship is generalized for sequential multi-step steady-state
reactions, and the importance and usefulness of the concept is
shown by applying it to describe several typical steady-state
systems in enzyme reactions and voltammetry using rotating
disk- and ultramicro-electrodes. -
The use of the reference electrode equipped with an ionic liquid salt bridge in electrochemistry of ionic liquids: A convenient way to align the formal potentials of redox reactions in ionic liquids based on the standard hydrogen electrode scale Reviewed
Takashi Kakiuchi, Shota Domae, Taishi Miyadi, Kaito Kibi, Masahiro Yamamoto
Joint Work
A hydrophobic ionic liquid composed of a cationic and anionic species having similar magnitudes of hydrophobicity and mobilities can work as a salt bridge separating two electrolyte solutions, that is, the sample solution and the inner solution of the reference electrode. A few examples of superiority of this ionic liquid salt bridge (ILSB) over the traditional salt bridges made of a concentrated aqueous KCl solution have been demonstrated. The present study is a further extension of the use of ILSB to voltammtery of the redox reactions of ferrocene/ferrocenium and cobaltocene/cobaltocenium couples in an ionic liquid, tributyl(2-methoxyethyl) phosphonium bis(pentafluoroethanesulfonyl) amide ([TBMOEP][C2C2N]), which is also used as the ILSB. The obtained mid-point potentials (Ems) are converted straightforwardly to those referred to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). A comparison of Em (SHE) values of the two redox couples in [TBMOEP][C2C2N] with the corresponding values in molecular solvents suggests that the environment given by [TBMOEP][C2C2N] to the two redox reactions is macroscopically similar to that of methanol.
Single ion activity coefficients of chloride ions in aqueous sodium chloride and magnesium chloride estimated potentiometrically based on ionic liquid salt bridge at 298 K Invited Reviewed
Takashi Kakiuchi, Masaki Hisazumi, Yasufumi Moriyama, Masahiro Yamamoto
Electrochemistry Communications 124 106953 2021.3
Joint Work
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
Joyful Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry Reviewed
Masahiro Yamamoto, Shigeru Ikeda, Kenji Kano( Role: Joint author)
Kodansha 2024.1 ( ISBN:4065340438 )
演習で学ぶ 科学のための数学
山本雅博,加納健司( Role: Joint author)
化学同人 2018.4 ( ISBN:9784759820027 )
たのしい物理化学1 化学熱力学・反応速度論
加納健司,山本雅博( Role: Joint author)
講談社サイエンティフク 2016.11 ( ISBN:978-4-06-154395-9 )
前田耕治,山本雅博,加納健司( Role: Joint author)
化学同人 2007.12
大学の基礎化学 必要な物理・数学とともに Reviewed
若狭雅信,尾関徹,陶山寛志,関根あき子,徳田陽明,樋上照男,山本雅博( Role: Contributor)
丸善 2021.11 ( ISBN:978-4-621-30647-5 )
Review Papers (Misc) 【 display / non-display 】
That’s the Thing in Electroanalytical Chemistry! (Part 9)
Masahiro Yamamoto, Yuko Yokoyama, Kenji Kano
Review of Polarography 68 ( 1 ) 47 - 50 2022.5
That’s the Thing in Electroanalytical Chemistry! (Part 7) Reviewed
Masahiro Yamamoto (ed)
Review of Polarography 66 ( 2 ) 85 - 88 2020.10
That’s the Thing in Electroanalytical Chemistry! (Part 6)
Masahiro Yamamoto (ed)
Review of Polarography 66 ( 1 ) 41 - 46 2020.5
That’s the Thing in Electroanalytical Chemistry! (Part 5)
Masahiro Yamamoto (ed)
Review of Polarography 65 ( 2 ) 65 - 72 2019.10
That’s the Thing in Electroanalytical Chemistry! (Part 4)
Masahiro Yamamoto (ed)
Review of Polarography 65 ( 1 ) 29 - 35 2019.5
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Model Hamiltonian for several common stacked structures
Mabuchi Mahito
Model Hamiltonian for several common stacked structures The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)
Event date: 1990.10
Industrial property rights 【 display / non-display 】
Announcement no:6084829
Country of applicant:Domestic
Patent/Registration no:6240382
Country of applicant:Domestic
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Development of electrode interface for NAD + / NADH redox reaction with high efficiency equivalent to in vivo
2022.4 - 2025.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
2018.4 - 2021.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
山本 雅博
本年度は,1)氷表面の第一原理計算,2)金属電極表面(Al(100)面, Ag(100)面)のQuantum Espresso(QE)コード(https://www.quantum-espresso.org/ )を用いた第一原理計算,3)金属電極帯電表面(Al(100)面, Ag(100)面)の第一原理計算としてQE+ESM(Effective Screening Medium有効媒質理論)法をもちいて金属|真空界面での電位分布を求めた。さらに,4) NaCl電解質水溶液|Al(100)電極帯電界面とRISM(Reference Interaction Site Model)積分方程式を結合させた第一原理計算(QE+ESM+RISM)計算を行い,電極から沖合へのイオン分布を求めるところまで完了した。ただし,計算は濃度は1点(1 mol dm-3)で正に帯電した電極の電位もある一定の条件でしか計算できなかった。すべての計算は,産総研の大谷らが作成したコードを用いた。1), 2), 3)ではこれまで報告された理論計算とよく一致し,本研究での計算が正確に求められていることを確認した。4)では,多くの帯電状態や多くの電解質濃度での計算はできなかったが,正に帯電した電極表面からのナトリウムイオンおよび塩化物イオンの動径分布関数を求めたところ,物理的に意味のある結果となった。実験結果と比較するには,多くの帯電状態(電位)および多くの電解質濃度について求める必要があるが,3)の計算で,その計算結果を解釈するところで多くの検討を重ねたため,本年度はそこまで到達しなかった。
2018.4 - 2021.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
山本 雅博
本年度は,1)氷表面の第一原理計算,2)金属電極表面(Al(100)面, Ag(100)面)のQuantum Espresso(QE)コード(https://www.quantum-espresso.org/ )を用いた第一原理計算,3)金属電極帯電表面(Al(100)面, Ag(100)面)の第一原理計算としてQE+ESM(Effective Screening Medium有効媒質理論)法をもちいて金属|真空界面での電位分布を求めた。さらに,4) NaCl電解質水溶液|Al(100)電極帯電界面とRISM(Reference Interaction Site Model)積分方程式を結合させた第一原理計算(QE+ESM+RISM)計算を行い,電極から沖合へのイオン分布を求めるところまで完了した。ただし,計算は濃度は1点(1 mol dm-3)で正に帯電した電極の電位もある一定の条件でしか計算できなかった。すべての計算は,産総研の大谷らが作成したコードを用いた。1), 2), 3)ではこれまで報告された理論計算とよく一致し,本研究での計算が正確に求められていることを確認した。4)では,多くの帯電状態や多くの電解質濃度での計算はできなかったが,正に帯電した電極表面からのナトリウムイオンおよび塩化物イオンの動径分布関数を求めたところ,物理的に意味のある結果となった。実験結果と比較するには,多くの帯電状態(電位)および多くの電解質濃度について求める必要があるが,3)の計算で,その計算結果を解釈するところで多くの検討を重ねたため,本年度はそこまで到達しなかった。
2018.4 - 2021.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
2015.4 - 2018.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Kakiiuchi Takashi
The purpose aimed has been achieved by showing that using an ionic liquid salt bridge (ILSB) enables the determination of pH defined in terms of the hydrogen ion activity of artificial seawater with the precision of 0.01 pH unit as 95 % confidence interval. Related technical problems to be solved for practical pH monitoring of seawater have been identified. In addition, other findings originally not intended include the stabilization of hydrogen ion in the high ionic strength HCl-NaCl mixtures, the dynamic transport of water through ILSB as a source of drifting the potential of the reference electrode, the unique correlation between the potential exhibited by the ILSB-equipped reference electrodes in water as well as ionic liquid with that of the standard hydrogen electrode, and the clarification of the nonthermodynamic measurability of pH on the basis of hydrogen ion activity through polemics.
Other External funds procured 【 display / non-display 】
2013.10 - 2018.3
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
2024.1 - 2025.12 The Polarograhic Society of Japan President
2024.4 - 2025.3 日本分析化学会 近畿支部長
2010.4 電気化学会 関西支部・幹事・常任幹事