Position |
Professor |
Research Field |
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics |
External Link |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
大阪大学大学院 文学研究科
1999.4 - 2002.3
大阪大学大学院 文学研究科 日本語学講座
1999.4 - 2002.3
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
方言研究支援プロジェクトを振り返る Reviewed
二階堂整, 田中ゆかり, 西尾純二, 灰谷謙二, 半沢康
方言の研究 ( 7 ) 29 - 35 2021.7
西尾 純二
全国方言文法辞典資料集(5)活用体系(4) 59 - 72 2019.3
A Description of Cultural Attitudes and Language Ecpression Relating to Request Discourse Reviewed
The Japanese Journal of Language in Society 21 ( 1 ) 80 - 95 2018.9
Sociolinguistics Invited
Studies in the Japanese Language 14 ( 3 ) 83 - 90 2018.8
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
岸江, 信介, 中井, 精一, 都染, 直也, 市島, 佑起子, 塩川, 奈々美, 舩木, 礼子, 村中, 淑子, 西尾, 純二, 松丸, 真大, 高木, 千恵, 津田, 智史, 鳥谷, 善史, 大西, 拓一郎, 峪口, 有香子( Role: Contributor , 卑罵表現)
昭和堂 2022.4 ( ISBN:9784812221167 )
現代の語彙: 男女平等の時代 (シリーズ“日本語の語彙”)
飛田 良文, 佐藤 武義, 田中 牧郎, 茂木, 俊伸, 蓑川, 惠理子( Role: Contributor , 待遇場面による語の選択)
朝倉書店 2019.4 ( ISBN:4254516673 )
担当箇所では,現代人は対人関係における価値観を変化させており,そのことが待遇場面での語の選択に変化をもたらしていることを「岡崎敬語調査」の分析を通して明らかにした。具体的には,見知らぬ中年男性に話しかける場面の調査データをもとに相手に距離を置く語を選択する方向への変化と,さらにそれが進んだ相手を指し示す言葉を使わない方向への変化を捉えた。これによって,対人コミュニケーションに積極的でなくなってきたという変化が待遇表現語彙に変化をもたらしたことを示した。 -
県別 方言感覚表現辞典
真田 信治, 友定 賢治( Role: Contributor , 和歌山県関連記事)
東京堂出版 2018.8 ( ISBN:4490109040 )
真田, 信治( Role: Joint editor)
ひつじ書房 2018.3 ( ISBN:9784894768482 )
編集委員:岸江信介、高木千恵、都染直也、鳥谷善史、中井精一、西尾純二、松丸真大 -
敬語は変わる : 大規模調査からわかる百年の動き
井上, 史雄, ほか( Role: Contributor , マイナス待遇表現の衰退)
大修館書店 2017.8 ( ISBN:9784469222609 )
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
日本語の方言形成と言語行動の多様性 Invited
日本語学会2012年度秋季大会シンポジウム「方言形成論の展開」 2012.11
現代語の感謝・謝罪に見られる配慮表現 Invited
シンポジウム「日本語の配慮表現の多様性」 (科学技術館〈東京〉) 2012.9
西尾 純二
第34回関西言語学会ワークショップ『敬語と敬語意識に見られる実時間的変化---国立国語研究所における岡崎敬語調査から--』 (神戸松蔭女子学院大学) 2009.6
2009.6.6 講演「待遇表現の記述的研究と岡崎調査」ワークショップ『敬語と敬語意識に見られる実時間的変化---国立国語研究所における岡崎敬語調査から--』朝日祥之・横山詔一,西尾純二,阿部貴人,第34回 関西言語学会 於:神戸松蔭女子学院大学
西尾 純二
第23回社会言語科学会 10周年記念シンポジウム『配慮言語行動研究の新地平』 2009.3
2009.3.28 講演「社会的なアプローチから見た配慮言語行動」10周年記念シンポジウム『配慮言語行動研究の新地平』第23回社会言語科学会(リンクは科研費報告書(課題番号17320072)付属CD-ROMに所収したPDFファイル) 於:東京外国語大学
西尾 純二
シンポジウム『日本語の対人配慮表現の多様性』 2008.3
2008.3.16 講演「配慮表現を多様化させる社会的要因の探求」シンポジウム『日本語の対人配慮表現の多様性』 ,野田尚史編(2009.3.27)『日本語の対人配慮表現の多様性』科研費報告書(課題番号17320072)に講演資料所収報告書pp.29-40 科研費事業 於:大正大学
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
A Study on Regional Differences in Expressions of Consideration in a Region with No Honorifics
2022.4 - 2027.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
A Study on Regional Differences in Expressions of Consideration in a Region with No Honorifics
2018.4 - 2022.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Kishie Shinsuke
Through the study of expressions of consideration, it became clear that the Kinki region is divided into two regions, one with honorific expressions and the other without honorific expressions.In the Kinki region, it can be said that the northern and central parts of the region are honorific regions, while the southern part of the Kinki region is almost entirely a no-honor zone.As in the southern Kinki region, no traditional dialectal honorific forms were found in the Ibaraki Prefecture survey, similar to the results for the southern Kinki region. It is clear that the "uchi/soto","meue(senior)/meshita(junior)" and other forms of honorific expressions, which have been used as a guide for differentiation of honorific expressions, can be adapted to the dialects in the presence of honorifics, but not in the absence of such expressions in the absence of honorifics.
Sociolinguistic general studies about geographical differences of official language
2016.4 - 2020.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
In this study, we collected a large amount of data in various fields on the new theme of "public terminology" and newly analyzed the use of language in public and private situations. (1) Since the challenging sprouting research, we have accumulated joint research, expanded the perspective of "public term", and aimed at a system of sociolinguistics and a comprehensive description. (2) While conventional sociolinguistics and dialectology were interested in languages in private situations, we focused on the use of languages in the revised High public situations. (3) Multilingualization in public situations, dialect use, discourse dialect differences, linguistic landscapes, unnoticed dialects and voice mutations were taken up. (4) Established a comprehensive theory of public terms and clarified that the unified principle is in place. A report has been published as a summary of the research conducted over the past 10 years.
A Study on Cultural attitudes and Language Expression Viewed Through the Contrastive Discourse Theory
2015.4 - 2019.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
OKI Hiroko, KANG Suk-Woo, ZHAO Huamin
The principal findings of this research served to clarify the following three points regarding cultural attitude and language expression. First, a comparison of Chinese, Korean and Japanese demonstrated that differences in spoken discourse can be defined in terms of four layers: a social culture; an attitude; a macrostructure of contents and an expression. Second, it was shown that,compared with standard Japanese, the Matsumoto dialect employs a different set of honorifics and mindset. Third, it was discovered that the two research tasks undertaken, that of comparing foreign languages and that of comparing dialectal variations, were an effective means of developing research methods in the field of discourse theory.
The Research of Consideration Expression of Kinki Dialects
2015.4 - 2018.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
KISHIE Shinsuke, TORITANI Yoshifumi, SAKIGUCHI Yukako, SHIMIZU Yuukichi, SHIOKAWA Nanami
In order to clarify the consideration expression of the Kinki region, we conducted an interview survey of about 90 people each in Osaka city, Kyoto city, Awaji island, and Kumano coastal area, targeting elderly people who had grown from various locations. The results of each survey were published in a report every year. In addition to elucidating consideration expression in honorific areas such as Osaka City and Kyoto City, we made a detailed description of consideration expression of Awaji Island and Kumano coastal area in the No-honorific area. As a result, it became clear that there is a mechanism that serves as a norm of language behavior unique to the No-honorific region, which is different from honorific region such as Kyoto and Osaka City.Although honorific and consideration expressions can be used properly in Kyoto and Osaka based on the awareness of Uchi / Soto, since Awaji Island and Kumanosu coastal area are Uchi society-centered, Uchi / Soto is rarely used properly.
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Social Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Role(s): Advisor, Informant
日本放送協会 天才てれびくん 2024.3
Role(s): Lecturer
大阪府立大学 現代システム科学域 現代システム科学域連続セミナー 2021.7
方言から見た南大阪 ~南大阪の方言の謎を,方言分布や地域の歴史のあり方から解き明かす~
Role(s): Lecturer
泉佐野市 佐野公民館 市民講座(名称なし) 2019.8
Media Coverage 【 display / non-display 】
「してまう」を敬遠し「しちゃう」を使う関西の若者が増加… 関西弁は衰退しつつある? Internet
オトナンサー編集部 Yahoo! ニュース ニコニコニュースほか 2018.2