Position |
Professor |
Research Field |
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Europe and America |
External Link |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Faculty of Literature Graduated
1994.4 - 1998.3
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Letters Doctor's Course Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2000.4 - 2004.3
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Letters Master's Course Completed
1998.4 - 2000.3
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
KONAN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters Faculty of Letters Department of History and Culture Professor
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
高田京比子ほか編『中近世ヨーロッパ史のフロンティア』(昭和堂、2021年) 169 - 192 2021.12
‘À propos de l’utilisation des registres d’inquisition de Toulouse au XIIIe siècle’ Invited
ZUSHI Nobutada
Annales du Midi: revue de la France méridionale 128 ( 294 ) 269 - 279 2016
服部良久編『コミュニケーションから読む中近世ヨーロッパ史──紛争と秩序のタペストリー』(ミネルヴァ書房、2015年) 373 - 395 2015.10
Negotiations and the Use of Documents in 13th Century Toulouse
ZUSHI Nobutada
Yoshihisa Hattori, ed., Political Order and Forms of Communication in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Rome: Viella, 2014) 213 - 229 2014.2
Repression of Heresy and the Use of the Written Documents in Thirteenth-Century Toulouse : The Relationship between the City, Royal Power and the Inquisition Invited Reviewed
図師 宣忠
史林 95 ( 1 ) 74 - 109 2012.1
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
( Role: Joint translator)
岩波書店 2022.12 ( ISBN:9784000615778 )
( Role: Sole author)
慶應義塾大学出版会 2021.4 ( ISBN:9784766425598 )
中野, 隆生, 加藤, 玄( Role: Contributor , 「10 カタリ派のコスモロジー─中世南フランスの信仰と異端迫害─」77-82頁)
明石書店 2020.5 ( ISBN:9784750350219 )
金澤周作監修( Role: Contributor , 「II-15迫害社会の形成」96-97頁)
ミネルヴァ書房 2020.4 ( ISBN:9784623087792 )
上垣豊編( Role: Contributor , 「第一章:中世フランス王権の歴史的展開」2-16頁「歴史の扉1:騎士道精神と宮廷風恋愛」17-25頁「第二章:中世フランスの社会と文化」26-42頁)
ミネルヴァ書房 2020.3 ( ISBN:9784623087785 )
Review Papers (Misc) 【 display / non-display 】
(新刊紹介)Yoichi KAJIWARA, Du frère au maître: Les dominicains de France face au système universitaire des grades au Moyen Âge, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2022, 534p., €38.00
西洋中世研究 ( 15 ) 186 - 187 2023.12
Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.
(新刊紹介)Peter BILLER and Lucy J. SACKVILLE (eds.) Inquisition and Knowledge, 1200―1700, Woodbridge/Rochester, York Medieval Press, in association with The Boydell Press, 2022, 360p., £70.00
西洋中世研究 ( 14 ) 207 - 208 2022.12
大黒俊二、林佳世子責任編集『岩波講座 世界歴史9巻──ヨーロッパと西アジアの変容:11〜15世紀』岩波書店 135 - 136 2022.8
青谷秀紀編『中世後期ヨーロッパ世界と贖罪・規律・権力』科学研究費補助金:基盤研究(C)(JSPS科研費17K03193)(代表:青谷秀紀)成果報告書 41 - 56 2022.3
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Cathar Heretics on the Move: Religious Mobilties in Medieval Languedoc and Lombardy
Nobutada ZUSHI
International Conference: Spatial and Social Mobilities in the Medieval and Early Modern Alpine Regions (Accademia di architettura Mendrisio) 2024.3
Event date: 2024.3
Coming Back from Lombardy: Cathar Heresy and Mobility in Thirteenth- and Early Fourteenth-Century Languedoc
Nobutada ZUSHI
Workshop: Spatial and Social Mobilities in the Medieval and Early Modern Alpine Regions (Mendrisio, Palazzo Canavée, aula 3.88, Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi (LabiSAlp)) 2023.3
Event date: 2023.3
第72回日本西洋史学会大会小シンポジウム2「モビリティーを生む「書物」─中近世ヨーロッパ内境域アルプス世界の場合─」(東洋大学[オンライン開催]) 2022.5
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
2021.4 - 2025.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
轟木 広太郎, 図師 宣忠, 青谷 秀紀
また、今年度は2度の研究会を遠隔開催で実施した。まず12月の第1回研究会では、今年度のそれぞれの研究の進捗状況について報告するとともに、それを踏まえた今後の計画について議論した。続く3月の第2回研究会では、第1回の話し合いを踏まえ、中世後期のヨーロッパ全体を対象とする比較政治史の近著(John Watts, The Making of Polites: Europe, 1300-1500, 2014)について、轟木が書評報告(ただし、著作の前半のみ)を行った。 -
2020.4 - 2023.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
佐藤 公美, 服部 良久, 踊 共二, 田中 俊之, 皆川 卓, 上田 耕造, 渡邉 裕一, 斉藤 恵太, 有田 豊, 田島 篤史, 図師 宣忠, 頼 順子, 猪刈 由紀
Penitence, Discipline, and Power in Late Medieval Europe
2017.4 - 2022.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Aotani Hideki
This study clarified the relationship between religion and power in the late Middle Ages, centred on the Kingdom of France and its surroundings, by analysing various practices concerning sin and penitence through the church and the laity who followed its model. Focusing on the Inquisition, church trials, and religious rituals, it showed how strongly the faithful’s souls were governed both directly and indirectly by clerics of the church, the king, and city governments in Europe, even after the 13th century, when secularization progressed.
The mechanism and its developmenet of monetary and circulative system in the Western part of Eurasia in pre-modern times
2016.4 - 2020.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)
Tsurushima Hirokazu
This project is to figure out the social structures of the monetary system and to reveal the mechanizm of distribution in the western part of Eurasia in the so-called 'Middle Ages'.The money, which sustained the powers and have bee a majour form of wealth as well as the measure of value, could had been a blood, within-and between-regional Worlds', of communication. (1)What was its material? (2)How did it make, (3)How was it accepted? (4)How did it citculate? And (5)how did it end and how was it taken over. Indeed, these questions, that is, the life of money, are difficult to provide the answers, but, albeit slightly, we can find some sort of solution in Britain, the Baltic Sea area and in the Mediterranean Sea regions. To research into the Frankish region still remains an issue.
Written Records and Power in Medieval Languedoc
2016.4 - 2019.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
ZUSHI Nobutada
This study focuses on the roles of written records in the Middle Ages, especially the inquisitorial registers in southern France. Since the thirteenth century, as the use of written instruments increased, the preservation and protection of the records was a major concern of the royal government and the inquisition as well as the municipal government. Documents became records of which text was consulted or inspected according to its contents.
The main points of this study are as follows. Firstly, the relationship between the city of Toulouse and the royal authority was constructed by a series of negotiations based upon the evidence in the documents. Secondly, the inquisitorial registers were made, preserved and used in order to extract information of heretics from their records.
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Social Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Role(s): Lecturer
(パンフレット作成)網伸也、図師宣忠ほか監修『東大阪市と中河内の文化資源4 古社に残る信仰の景観を訪ねて─東大阪の社叢と伝承』近畿大学文芸学部文化・歴史学科(東大阪市受託研究成果物)
(パンフレット作成)網伸也、図師宣忠ほか監修『東大阪市と中河内の文化資源3 近畿大学周辺の歴史と文化─古代の小若江と旧長瀬川流域』近畿大学文芸学部文化・歴史学科(東大阪市受託研究成果物)