Research Field |
Public Speaking, Speech Communication, English Education |
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Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language Department of English Studies Graduated
1974.4 - 1978.3
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language Master's Course Completed
1978.4 - 1980.3
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
グローバル教養学環 学環長 教授
2022.9 - 2024.3
KONAN UNIVERSITY Center for Education in General Studies Professor
2021.7 - 2022.9
KONAN UNIVERSITY Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students Professor
2021.4 - 2024.3
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
神戸市外国語大学 名誉教授
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
2004.4 - 2021.3
University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences Department of Information Studies
1992.4 - 2004.3
Tezukayama Gakuin Junior College Department of Literature, English Studies
1980.4 - 1992.3
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Effects of Personality Traits and Affective Factors on English Prosodic Features in Japanese University Students: Acoustic and Physiological Analyses Reviewed
Hiroko Nakamura, Namie Saeki, Kazuhiro Nomura
JACET Journal ( 69 ) 2024
Joint Work
There is a substantial body of work focused on the effect of affective factors on L2 learning. Most of these studies, however, are based on questionnaires and self-reports. This study aims to objectively explore the effects of trait-anxiety on state-anxiety by measuring heart rate and pitch changes during L2 oral reading tasks. Fifty-four university students read a passage in the following sequence: first in English, then in Japanese, and in English again. The heart rate and pitch changes at the sentence level were compared between the first and second English readings. Results showed that participants with higher affective factors did not exhibit significant difference in heart rate, whereas those with lower affective factors indicated a significantly higher heart rate during the first reading compared to the second. Similarly, participants with higher affective factors did not show a significant difference in maximum fo between the first and second readings while those with lower affective factors demonstrated a significantly higher maximum fo during the first reading than the second. Furthermore, fo range was narrower for the high affective group than the low affective group. These findings highlight the impact of both trait-anxiety and state-anxiety on L2 speaking.
L1およびL2における情意要因が英語朗読時の心拍数や韻律的特徴に与える影響 Reviewed
『ことばの科学研究』 ( 24 ) 55 - 76 2023.5
Teachers as Public Speakers: Power of Narratives
NOMURA Kazuhiro
2022年度 31 - 43 2023.3
Authorship:Lead author
Face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes to enhance student motivation: What, How, and Why
Kazuhiro Nomura
The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture ( 26 ) 19 - 38 2022.3
Authorship:Lead author
Hiroko Nakamura, Kazuhiro Nomura, Namie Saeki
English Language Teaching 13 ( 8 ) 178 - 178 2020.7
Joint Work
Publisher:Canadian Center of Science and Education
This study investigated the influence of communication apprehension and anxiety in second-language (L2) learning on oral performance of Japanese university students in terms of F0 (fundamental frequency) analysis. The participants were English-major students (3 males and 6 females) who presented at an oral communication festival for university students. The F0 analysis consisted of a mean F0 and F0 range. The participants’ utterances were digitized and analysed with Praat. Participants also completed two structured closed-ended questionnaires: a Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) and a Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). One subscale of PRCA is Speech Anxiety (SA) that measures apprehension in public speaking. Acoustic analysis of F0 was conducted of the utterances provided by the students and their F0 data during rehearsal and the actual performance settings. The results revealed a significant difference in mean F0 between the rehearsal and actual performance. Mean F0 was significantly correlated with SA. These results suggest that students tend to show higher speech anxiety during an actual performance setting that is also reflected by a higher speaking F0.
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
『CREATIVE English Communication III』文部科学省検定高等学校コミュニケーション英語教科書 (編集代表)
野村和宏他( Role: Joint editor , 編著書(編集代表))
第一学習社 2023.4
『CREATIVE English Communication II』文部科学省検定高等学校コミュニケーション英語教科書 (編集代表)
野村和宏他( Role: Joint editor , 編著書(編集代表))
第一学習社 2022.4
『CREATIVE English Communication I』文部科学省検定高等学校英語コミュニケーション教科書 (編集代表)
野村和宏, 編者( Role: Joint editor)
第一学習社 2021.4
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Interpretive Reading "It's Christmas" by Louise Abney
第29回大学英語教育学会オーラル・コミュニケーション・フェスティバル (文教大学足立キャンパス) 2024.12 大学英語教育学会オーラル・コミュニケーション研究グループ
Effects of Personality Traits and AffectiveFactors on English Prosodic Features inJapanese University Students: Acoustic andPhysiological Analyses
Hiroko Nakamura, Namie Saeki, Kazuhiro Nomura
The 63rd JACET International Convention 2024.8 Japan Association for College English Teachers
Event date: 2024.8
There are only a limited number of studies that focus on the effects of L2 anxiety on prosody. (Baran-Łucarz, 2011; Szyszka, 2011) This study aims to explore objectively whether shyness and communication apprehension (CA) in both L1 and L2 affect pitch at the word level in English oral reading and spontaneous speech based on physiological and acoustic analyses. The participants were 38 university students (14 males, 24 females). The study utilized three questionnaires to measure shyness (Trait Shyness Scale), L1 CA (the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension), and L2 CA (8 items from the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety) along with the Versant speaking test to examine oral proficiency. The procedure was as follows: The study participant was instructed to wear a smartwatch to measure heart rate (HR) and complete a series of tasks. These tasks included reading an English text, reading a Japanese version of the same text, reading the original English text again, speaking about a personal happy experience for one minute, and completing questionnaires. Comparative analyses were conducted on the first English reading, the second English reading, and the spontaneous speech. The target word for analysis was ‘happy’, which was extracted from both the English passage and the spontaneous speech. The significant findings include : 1) Participants with higher levels of CA in public speech did not exhibit any changes between the first and second readings and displayed the highest heart rate (HR) during spontaneous speech. 2) Participants with higher levels of CA in their second language (L2) exhibited a narrower pitch range during spontaneous speech than those with lower CA in L2. These results suggest that individuals with higher levels of anxiety feel nervous during the first, second readings, and spontaneous speech, and appear to be less proficient in word stress.
Cultivating Global Connetions: A Cross-Cultural COIL Initinative on Sustainability International coauthorship
Shari Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Nomura, Tetsuya Takeno, Mariko Karatsu
Summer Institute on International Educationk Japan 2024.8 Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE)
"Reunion in Tears" by the Father of Izuru (Oral Interpretation)
第28回大学英語教育学会オーラル・コミュニケーション・フェスティバル (青山学院大学) 2023.12 大学英語教育学会オーラル・コミュニケーション研究会
Event date: 2023.12
Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display 】
2003.9 大学英語教育学会(JACET)
1994.9 大学英語教育学会(JACET)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Effects of pesonality traits and affective factors on speaking skills and teaching prosody
2022.4 - 2025.3
JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
2024.1 - 2025.3 神戸市教育委員会 これからの市立高等学校のあり方に関する有識者会議委員
Social Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Role(s): Lecturer
近畿地区高等専門学校 2024.11
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県高等学校研究会英語部会(高英研)スピーチ部会 2024.11
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県立北須磨高等学校 2024.9
Role(s): Lecturer
神戸市立葺合高等学校 2024.9
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県立国際高等学校 2024.8