
HIRAI Kazuki



Research Field

Education of Japanese as a Second Language

External Link

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Osaka University of Foreign Studies   Master's Course   Completed

    - 2004.3

Studying abroad experiences 【 display / non-display

  • 1992.4

    イースタン・ワシントン大学(Eastern Washington University)米国   ELI 語学留学(Spring, Fall, Winter quarter)

  • 1992.6

    ワシントン大学(University of Washington)米国   ESL 語学留学(Summer quarter)

  • 2001.3

    国立師範大学国語センター(國立師範大學國語中心)台湾   語学留学

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • KONAN UNIVERSITY   Center for Education in General Studies   特任講師


  • KONAN UNIVERSITY   International Exchange Center   日本語特任講師

    2016.4 - 2023.8


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • "Foreign care workers in Taiwan and language and livelihood support"

    Kazuki HIRAI

    Konan University Education and Learning Support Center Bulletin   ( 6 )   1 - 19   2021.3

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    Single Work

    Publisher:Konan University Centre for Education and Learning Support  

    This study outlines the circumstances surrounding Taiwan's initial acceptance of foreign workers approximately three decades ago. The government and local communities have taken the initiative to facilitate integration through the provision of language, cultural, and lifestyle support. Moreover, the article addresses social issues pertaining to foreign workers, with a particular emphasis on those who provide care for the elderly. In lieu of requiring that foreign workers master Taiwanese language and culture, the host society has instead embraced a policy of mutual linguistic and cultural learning. Non-governmental organizations have established shelters to provide emergency assistance, and the accumulated experience of three decades is being utilized in Taiwanese society, not only in terms of institutions but also in terms of the general public's high awareness of respect for foreign workers. In examining and discussing these issues, the author has endeavored to encompass not only the institutional aspects, but also the aspect of the general public's profound respect for foreign workers.

  • "Reflections on the life and Japanese language learning of Ritsumeikan University SKP graduates and their situation after graduation: A descriptive analysis of a follow-up survey" Reviewed

    Kazuki HIRAI, Emi IMADA, Shunsuke UEDA

    Ritsumeikan University Educational Development Promotion Organization Bulletin "Ritsumeikan Higher Education Research"   ( 16 )   83 - 100   2016.3

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    Joint Work

    The Study in Kyoto Program (SKP) at Ritsumeikan University has been in operation for over two decades. During this period, the program has undergone a notable evolution in terms of both scope and content. The program was initially designed for short-term exchange students; however, it has since expanded to include privately funded students and international students majoring in English at the School of International Relations and the School of Policy Science. The specialties and interests of international students have diversified, as have the academic accommodations required, including those related to dyslexia, learning disabilities, and health and economic issues. Moreover, the backgrounds of students prior to their arrival in Japan, their academic pursuits, daily routines, social interactions, extracurricular activities, part-time employment, and experiences after returning to their countries of origin, as well as the professional concerns of students who have returned to Japan, have also become more varied. To gain a systematic understanding of these realities, three Japanese-language instructors conducted a questionnaire survey of SKP alumni using their social media connections. The survey was designed to elicit the alumni's authentic perceptions about the program, their experiences after returning home, and their experiences returning to Japan. The findings of these analyses will be utilized not only to enhance the quality of SKP, but also to counsel prospective international students who are in a position of juniority.

  • A Trial of Grammar Combinations for Basic Japanese - “Moratte agete kurenai?”- Various Expressions and Applications

    Kazuki HIRAI

    Konan University, Bulletin of the University General Education Center   ( 第2 )   139 - 148   2024.3

  • Analysis of proverbs, historical idioms, idiomatic expressions, and four- and three-character phrases using a balanced corpus and Nikkei Telecon, and proposals for using them as comprehension expressions in Japanese language learning

    Kazuki HIRAI

    Konan University Research Institute Book Series   145   47 - 78   2022.3

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    Single Work

  • "Proverbs, idioms and idiomatic expressions in Japanese language education ー From the actual usage of Korean / Chinese native speakers in multiple written corpora"

    Kazuki HIRAI

    別冊 ( 第3 )   41 - 61   2020.10

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    Single Work

    Using 6 written corpus (5 of which are written corpus of Japanese language learners) across the board, and searched and analyzed about the actual usage of proverbs, historical words, idioms, and idiomatic expressions of the learners whose mother languages are Korean and Chinese.

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Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display

  • "Technical Intern Trainees and Japanese Language Education" Reviewed

    Junko MJIMA, Kazuko ARASHIMA, Asuka IWAKI, Mika KONDO, Hongyang SONG, Thu Thu Nwe Aye, Shinya NAKATANI, Takako HIGUCHI, Kazuki HIRAI, Kyouka FUJIWARA, Fumie MICHIGAMI, Kazuo MUTA, Kanako Yoshikawa( Role: Joint author ,  Chapter 11)

    Osaka University Press  2021.10  ( ISBN:978-4872597387

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    One might inquire as to why they are unable to speak Japanese. The issue of language is of paramount importance in understanding the challenges faced by technical interns, including incidents of disappearance, illness, and suicide. What form of Japanese language training would be most beneficial for these technical interns, who now outnumber foreign students? What is the optimal approach for trainees to adopt in dealing with these individuals? This article will elucidate the incongruities and deficiencies of the system, while examining the perspectives of relevant stakeholders in Japan and abroad. First, an examination of the current status of the technical internship system and technical trainees will be conducted, along with an investigation into the history of the acceptance of foreign workers. Additionally, an analysis of the systems and education utilized in each sending country to facilitate the arrival of these workers in Japan will be presented. Subsequently, the paper will examine the present state of Japanese language training and workplace communication at the host institutions, and will consider how future exchanges should be conducted. Furthermore, an analysis of the foreign worker admission systems of Taiwan and South Korea will be conducted, with a focus on their challenges and the implications for addressing the declining birthrate and aging population. As a special supplement, the results of an oral assessment of the Japanese language skills of technical interns will be presented, along with a discussion of the specific problems and requirements related to Japanese language skills.

    Other Link: https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E6%8A%80%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%9F%E7%BF%92%E7%94%9F%E3%81%A8%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2/dp/4872597389/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LTG88Z6K69F5&dchild=1&keywords=%E6%8A%80%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%9F%E7%BF%92%E7%94%9F%E3%81%A8%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2&qid=1634021604&sr=8-1#detailBullets_feature_div

  • 「日本語中上級総合 きっとうまくいきますよ」

    内藤 真理子,大野 裕,小林 恵子,小森 万里,高橋 旬子,平井 一樹( Role: Contributor ,  第5章 第1~3節、語彙リスト)

    立命館大学 国際教育推進機構  2009.9 

  • 「日本語 入門會話Ⅰ・Ⅱ」(改訂版)


    地球村出版有限公司(台湾・台北市)  2000.9 

  • 「日本語 基礎會話Ⅰ・Ⅱ」(改訂版)


    地球村出版有限公司(台湾・台北市)  2000.9 

  • 「月刊 地球村 生活日語」2000年1~12月号

    「月刊 地球村 生活日語」制作委員会( Role: Contributor ,  日本語本文記事)

    地球村出版有限公司(台湾・台北市)  1999.12 

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • "Proverbs, idioms and idiomatic expressions in Japanese language education ー From the actual usage of Korean / Chinese native speakers in multiple written corpora" Invited

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    Event date: 2020.10

    Using 6 written corpus (5 of which are written corpus of Japanese language learners) across the board, and searched and analyzed about the actual usage of proverbs, historical words, idioms, and idiomatic expressions of the learners whose mother languages are Korean and Chinese.

  • 「地域日本語ボランティアが直面する諸問題とその対応方法」 Invited

    平井 一樹

    学習講演会(枚方日本語ボランティアの会)  (大阪府枚方市)  「枚方日本語ボランティアの会」(大阪府枚方市)

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    Event date: 2002.8


Social Activities 【 display / non-display

  • Global Literacy Education Program "Recurrent Special Subjects" (Theme: International Understanding)

    Role(s): Presenter, Lecturer, Planner, Organizing member

    Konan University Social Collaboration Organization Recurrent Education Center  2024.4 - 2024.7

  • 「京町家日本語教室『関西弁練習会』」(全3回)

    Role(s): Appearance, Presenter, Advisor, Planner, Organizing member, Demonstrator

    平井一樹  四条京町家(京都市)  2014.9 - 2014.11

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    Audience: College students, Graduate students, Teachers, General

  • 國立台湾大學日本語文學系の日本語劇「新釈 源氏物語―末摘花の巻」上演活動への支援(京都方言の指導・録音CDの製作)

    Role(s): Advisor, Demonstrator

    國立台湾大學日本語文學系  2005.3 - 2005.4

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    Audience: College students

  • 国連地球温暖化京都会議(COP3)について

    連合京都、自治労、京都西高等学校、みさと天文台など多数  講演会  1997

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    Audience: High school students, Teachers, General, Civic organization, Governmental agency

Media Coverage 【 display / non-display

  • テレビ社会派番組『落日』の中国語脚本の日本語翻訳、俳優陣への日本語音声指導ならびに吹替 TV or radio program

    大砌創媒有限公司 ・台湾客家電視台  2014.8

  • ドキュメンタリーフィルム『航向東瀛媽祖』の日本語インタビュー翻訳・監修

    大砌創媒有限公司  2011.8

  • 国連地球温暖化京都会議(COP3)広報活動 TV or radio program

    KBS京都、ABC朝日放送、FM-Cocolo、e-radio(FM滋賀)  ラジオ  1997

Academic Activities 【 display / non-display

  • 国連地球温暖化京都会議(COP3)市民活動

    1997.4 - 1999.3