College English Speaking, College English Listening, Intermediate English Presentation, English Regions, English for Science (D Course), Science Writing (D Course), 科学英語演習 I, II (理工学部生物科)
In my College English, Intermediate Presentation, and English Regions courses, a basic goal is to help students to increase their speaking output and self-confidence in communication through experiencing success in various tasks and projects. An additional goal is to help them develop healthy basic interpersonal communication skills that will enable them to function well as members of Japanese society, as well as a deeper knowledge of international cultures that will enable them to be productive world citizens. In my English for Science and English For Biology courses, the primary goal is to raise students vocabulary, reading and listening skills in order to give them a strong foundation for conducting research in English in the future.
In most classes, I use textbook materials only to a minimum degree, preferring to utilize authentic materials, mainly from the Internet (often adjusted to student language levels), or self-generated materials. My teaching methods are eclectic and vary according to the context, but are generally based on content-based, task-based, and problem-solving learning. I also emphasize cooperative learning which involves students sharing and comparing answers and ideas through extensive pair-work and small group activities. Many tasks require students to use the Internet, including YouTube videos. In English for Science and English for Biology classes, students spend most in-class time working on reading authentic reading passages and then doing video exercises as homework (somewhat similar to ‘flipped lessons’).
While there is wide variation in the success and improvement levels of my students, observation and student feedback data suggest that experiencing successful communication in English in the various class activities and tasks does raise self-confidence is speaking English and general social skills. Some students also report deeper understanding of and interest in international society and global issues. A problem is that some students benefit or improve much less than others. Some lower level students in particular tend to show difficulty staying focused during longer tasks and show less improvement over time.
For lower level students who have difficulty staying focused on tasks, divide the tasks into smaller units, increase the variety and frequency of pair work. For the Science and Biology English classes, try to vary class activities by sometimes getting them to do the video exercises before the reading and see if watching the videos first makes the readings easier rather than vice versa. For students struggling with basic sentence structures, consider ways I can effectively incorporate more focused language structure practice into tasks and projects that will enhance students’ ability to communicate more accurately and at a more sophisticated level (CLIL).
Please refer to the course syllabi on My Konan.