
KIRK Stanley Arthur (カーク スタンレー)

KIRK Stanley Arthur




TESOL and Applied Linguistics(Leicester University (England)), 修士(Master of Arts Degree: Greek and Latin Literature)(カルガリー大学院(University of Calgary Graduate School))


Greek Literature and Mythology, 地域研究


出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • University of Calgary   Humanities   卒業

    - 2004年4月

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • レスター大学 (Leicester university)   TESOL   教育   修士課程   修了

    - 2010年3月

留学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1995年4月

    神戸大学院   研究生

学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 甲南大学   ■廃止組織■   国際言語文化センター   准教授

    2013年4月 - 現在

  • 甲南大学   国際言語文化センター   講師

    2008年4月 - 2013年3月

  • 甲南大学   EBA高等教育研究所   特定任期教員

    2005年3月 - 2008年2月

学外略歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 神戸大学

    1999年9月 - 2005年2月



  • 関西国際大学

    1999年9月 - 2005年2月



  • 摂南大学

    1999年9月 - 2005年2月



  • 追手門大学

    1999年9月 - 2005年2月



  • 神戸YMCA 専門学校

    1997年9月 - 1999年9月



所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本カナダ学会


論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • The Izumi Family Revisited: Living as Exiles in Postwar Japan

    Stanley KIRK

    言語と文化   25   101 - 120   2021年3月



    This paper is a life history of the John and May Izumi family who were uprooted from their homes and livelihoods in Vancouver and incarcerated in various internment camps before being deported to Japan. First is summarizes their lives in Canada before deportation, then focuses on their struggles to live as Japanese Canadians in postwar Japan. Finally it discusses how their life history corroborates and compares with the life histories of other Japanese Canadian exiles.

  • A Japanese Canadian Teenage Exile: The Life History of Takeshi (Tak) Matsuba

    Stanley KIRK

    A Japanese Canadian Teenage Exile: The Life History of Takeshi (Tak) Matsuba   24 ( 24 )   3 - 36   2020年3月



    出版者・発行元:The Journal for the Institute of Language and Culture  

    The life history of Tak Matsuba, a Japanese Canadian who was was exiled to Japan at the end of World War II. It describes his life in Canada before exile, then focuses on his life following his arrival in Japan, particularly his employment with the American Occupation Forces, his subsequent career as an international businessman, his role on founding and leading a group of Japanese Canadian exiles in the Kansai area, his sense of cultural and national identity. Finally it discusses how his life history compares with and corroborates the recollections of other Japanese Canadian exiles and how it adds to our knowledge of this aspect of Japanese Canadian history.

    DOI: 10.14990/00003601

  • A Japanese Canadian Teenage Exile: The Life History of Kazuko Makihara

    スタン カーク

    言語と文化   ( 23 )   3 - 20   2019年3月



  • A Japanese Canadian Child-Exile: the Life History of Basil Izumi

    KIRK, Stanley Arthur

    甲南国際言語文化センター起用:言語と文化   ( 20 )   1 - 33   2018年4月



    A case-study life history of Basil Izumi, a Japanese Canadian who was born in Vancouver, was interned with his family during WW2, and was subsequently deported to Japan where he lived for three years before returning to Canada where he has spent the rest of his life. His role in the Japanese Canadian Anglican Church in Vancouver is also explored.

  • Life Histories of Japanese Canadian 'Deportees': A Father and Son Case Study

    Stanley KIRK

    言語と文化 The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture   ( 21 )   2017年3月



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書籍等出版物 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Supporting Families With Small Children In Disaster Situations

    Stanley Arthur Kirk( 担当: 単著)

    a  1999年12月 


    A Handbook Based On the Experience of the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake (co-editor and translator)

講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Life History of Basil Izumi

    Stanley Kirk

    (not a conference, but a presentation to a church group after worship service)  (Holy Cross Japanese Canadian Anglican Church)  2024年8月  Holy Cross Japanese Canadian Anglican Church


    開催年月日: 2024年8月


    Presented about the life history of Basil Izumi who was born in Vancouver, attended Holy Cross Kindergarten,was uprooted and interned with his family, then deported to Japan at the end of WWII, returned to Canada in 1949, worked as a teacher and then in the fish processing industry.

  • Matsunaga Family History in Canada 招待あり

    Stanley Kirk

    Vancouver Buddhist Church 2024 Obon Tour  (Cumberland Community Center)  2024年8月  Vancouver Japanese Buddhist Church, North Island College


    開催年月日: 2024年8月


    Presented about the history of the Matsunaga family whose ancestors immigrated to Canada from Japan, worked as fishermen, were uprooted and interned during WWII, had their fishing boat and property confiscated, returned to the British Columbia coast and resumed fishing in 1949, recovered their fishing boat, started a prominent fish wholesaling company.

  • Nima Voices Interview Series: Episode 16 Stan KIRK 招待あり

    Stanley Kirk, Prof. Masumi Izumi

    Streamed Interview series: Nima Voices  (Online (YouTube streamed interview))  2024年6月  Japanese American National Museum, Discover Nikkei Website


    開催年月日: 2024年6月


    その他リンク: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqb7gqcNcZA&t=34s

  • Life History of Tak Matsuba 招待あり

    Stanley Kirk

    “From Mio” : Community-based Public History Symposium  (Mio Elementary School)  2024年5月  Mio Canada Museum


    開催年月日: 2024年5月


  • Japanese Canadians Exiled in Wakayama: Stories of Tak Matsuba and Basil Izumi 招待あり

    Stanley Kirk

    From Mio  (Steveston Community Center)  2024年2月  North Island College


    開催年月日: 2024年2月


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学術関係受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • National Greek Transiation コンテスト4位

    1989年11月   カナダ古典協会  

    Stanley Arthur Kirk

研究費にかかる研究(調査)活動報告書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年度  Japanese Canadian Migration History

    研究費の種類: 教員研究費


    1)Using questionnaires and interviews, I am researching the life histories of Japanese Canadians who were sent to Japan from Canada after the war, with a focus on how, as children, they adapted to life in the harsh environment of postwar Japan, and, in the cases of those who went back to Canada, how they re-adjusted to Life in Canada as teenagers and young adults. This is mostly solo research 2)In another branch of my research, I am researching the immigration history between the small fishing village of Mio, Wakayama, and Canada. Specifically, using interviews and follow up interviews, I am researching the multi-generation history of a family with branches both in Mio and in Canada. This is group research, being done in cooperation with researchers from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Doshisha University, Ritsumeikan University, and some cooperating researchers and Japanese Canadian community members in Canada.

  • 2023年度  Japanese Canadian Migration History

    研究費の種類: 教員研究費


    1)Using questionnaires and interviews, I am researching the life histories of Japanese Canadians who were sent to Japan from Canada after the war, with a focus on how, as children, they adapted to life in the harsh environment of postwar Japan, and, in the cases of those who went back to Canada, how they re-adjusted to Life in Canada as teenagers and young adults. This is mostly solo research 2)In another branch of my research, I am researching the immigration history between the small fishing village of Mio, Wakayama, and Canada. Specifically, using interviews and follow up interviews, I am researching the multi-generation history of a family with branches both in Mio and in Canada. This is group research, being done in cooperation with researchers from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Doshisha University, Ritsumeikan University, and some cooperating researchers and Japanese Canadian community members in Canada.

  • 2021年度  Japanese Canadian Migration History

    研究費の種類: 教員研究費


    I researched the life histories of Japanese Canadians who had been exiled to Japan after WWII. To gather data I used written questionnaires, video interviews, and follow-up interviews and email. I organized the data and wrote a life history paper entitled "The Izumi Family Revisited: Life in Postwar Japan. This paper was published in the Journal for the Institute of Language and Culture in March 2021.

  • 2020年度  Japanese Canadian Migration History

    研究費の種類: 教員研究費


    I researched the life histories of Japanese Canadians who had been exiled to Japan after WWII. To gather data I used written questionnaires, video interviews, and follow-up interviews and email. I organized the data and wrote a life history paper entitled "The Izumi Family Revisited: Life in Postwar Japan. This paper was published in the Journal for the Institute of Language and Culture in March 2021.


その他教育活動及び特記事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2016年2月

    Viva! English Communication III (Daiichi Gakushusha)

  • 2015年2月

    Viva! English Communication II (Daiichi Gakushusha)

  • 2014年2月

    Viva! English Communication I (Daiichi Gakushusha)

  • 2014年2月

    Voice Listening Course Vols. 1-5 (Daiichi Gakushusha)

  • 2007年2月

    Voyager Course II New Edition (Daiichi Gakushusha)

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ティーチングポートフォリオ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2019年度


    College English Speaking, College English Listening, Intermediate English Presentation, English Regions, English for Science (D Course), Science Writing (D Course), 科学英語演習 I, II (理工学部生物科)


    In my College English, Intermediate Presentation, and English Regions courses, a basic goal is to help students to increase their speaking output and self-confidence in communication through experiencing success in various tasks and projects. An additional goal is to help them develop healthy basic interpersonal communication skills that will enable them to function well as members of Japanese society, as well as a deeper knowledge of international cultures that will enable them to be productive world citizens. In my English for Science and English For Biology courses, the primary goal is to raise students vocabulary, reading and listening skills in order to give them a strong foundation for conducting research in English in the future.


    In most classes, I use textbook materials only to a minimum degree, preferring to utilize authentic materials, mainly from the Internet (often adjusted to student language levels), or self-generated materials. My teaching methods are eclectic and vary according to the context, but are generally based on content-based, task-based, and problem-solving learning. I also emphasize cooperative learning which involves students sharing and comparing answers and ideas through extensive pair-work and small group activities. Many tasks require students to use the Internet, including YouTube videos. In English for Science and English for Biology classes, students spend most in-class time working on reading authentic reading passages and then doing video exercises as homework (somewhat similar to ‘flipped lessons’).


    While there is wide variation in the success and improvement levels of my students, observation and student feedback data suggest that experiencing successful communication in English in the various class activities and tasks does raise self-confidence is speaking English and general social skills. Some students also report deeper understanding of and interest in international society and global issues. A problem is that some students benefit or improve much less than others. Some lower level students in particular tend to show difficulty staying focused during longer tasks and show less improvement over time.


    For lower level students who have difficulty staying focused on tasks, divide the tasks into smaller units, increase the variety and frequency of pair work. For the Science and Biology English classes, try to vary class activities by sometimes getting them to do the video exercises before the reading and see if watching the videos first makes the readings easier rather than vice versa. For students struggling with basic sentence structures, consider ways I can effectively incorporate more focused language structure practice into tasks and projects that will enhance students’ ability to communicate more accurately and at a more sophisticated level (CLIL).


    Please refer to the course syllabi on My Konan.


所属学協会等の委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2019年1月 - 現在   日本カナダ会  副会長

社会貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Volunteer English Tutor


    神戸  2010年9月 - 2015年1月


    対象: 小学生, 高校生

    Teaching English to immigrant high school students at Kobe Foreigners' Friendship Center

  • 日本、カナダ会の委員会のメンバー

    1995年12月 - 現在


    Member of executive committee