中級英語Global Topics(2単位)、English Regions(2単位)、国際理解C(2単位)、基礎英語College English Listening(1単位)、基礎英語College English Speaking(1単位)、中級英語Writing(4単位)、中級英語Presentation(4単位)
In the courses regarding global issues (中級英語Global Topics, English Regions, 国際理解C), my rationale is to teach about current global events to ensure that my students can become global citizens who can converse about worldly issues. In Global Topics and English Regions, students are encouraged to choose global topics, conduct research in English, debate about the topics, and present on the topics. In 国際理解C, lectures are given in Japanese about intercultural issues for students who may work with people from various backgrounds after they graduate and/or for students who are interested in becoming more globally minded. My rationale for teaching skills courses (Listening, Speaking, Writing, Presentation), is to have students get adequate input and output so that they can confidently demonstrate that they have acquired those skills in English.
For most courses, there are textbooks that have been assigned or selected. The textbooks are used as a base for teaching skills and content. However, students are also encouraged to find online resources (e.g., academic articles, TED Talks or other YouTube videos, samples of paragraphs or essays). I also find up-to-date resources to use in my classes. I have students conduct research on topics and present what they have researched in class. It is important that students are able to have primary and secondary data to give a solid academic presentation or be able to write academic papers.
The combination of using textbook materials and real materials has been effective. Moreover, having students choose their own topics, conduct their own research, and present on their own research tends to give them an opportunity to improve their critical thinking skills. Students also improve their communication skills by working in small groups and discussing difficult topics in English/Japanese.
I aim to research what materials are available for students so that they can continually update their skills and knowledge of global issues. For skills courses, students need to practice the skills as much as possible without being afraid of making mistakes. It is important for me to continue to create learning environments that motivate students to practice various skills and also improve their understanding of current events. In the end, my goal is to create global citizens who will not be afraid of leaving Japan. This has been a challenge, but I will continue to improve my students’ understanding of the world as I try to understanding their world and background.
シラバス、講義資料、My KONAN(オンライン)による授業アンケート